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The Chestnuts 11. Whats happening in our house this week.

A very personal post for the Chestnuts 11 this week. 
Well work has officially begun on our block. We have retaining! Its not anything to view but its a start and it means the pool can get started as of next week. OMG now that is a going to be cool. Watching the house go up around the pool.

I have been completely consumed by a new little member to the Chestnuts clan and all while trying to get photos done, do blog posts, write feature articles and all sorts of other Elements at Home Chores. I have been introducing our puppy Izzy to my 18month old and our 5.5 year old explaining the toilet training and the biting to both the kids and making sure the pecking order is still intact. Everyone is finding their place and Izzy is fitting in beautifully. I am a little tired and as of last night  Izzy is  sleeping in her own room. We don’t have a laundry door so pup has to either go in our en suite or in the kids (next to their rooms) bathroom. I didn’t want them waking up and so in our En suite she went and we went on the couch. Finally a half solid sleep. I feel like a new woman with 4 hours straight sleep. My hubby, well he sleeps through anything……even weird noises outside. Tonight we will keep her in our ensuite but we will return to our own bed and fingers crossed we all get some more straight sleep.

We had a massive spring clean in the kids rooms and I re-arranged their rooms based on some new issues (18month old is starting to try and climb out)

I didn’t want any furniture in front of my daughters cot…..and my son needed to have more space to have play time in his room.

I saw a lady called Maggie Dent last week. She does talks about how to raise boys. If you have a boy (even the man type ones like Husbands) I encourage you to see her talk about the normalities of boys and how to be more mindful of how different they are to girls and as the Mummys how we need to respect those differences and build on them (see why its helpful for husbands too) I tell you what, I have stopped using so many words……..for both of them……very insightful. 

Everyone knows I have a little OCD but this was causing my son not to “play” much in his room as everything needed to look in place all the time.

I have now created a bit of sleep, play, read type zone and guess what?  the last 2 days he has not asked once if he can play on the iPad. He was part of the process and he was part of the clean out also. He re-loves his toys again and that makes a happy Mummy.

2 comments on “The Chestnuts 11. Whats happening in our house this week.

  1. Thanks for sharing snippets of your home life its a nice way to get to know you better :)
    Must be so exciting that the retaining is in and the start of the building will soon begin. Cant wait to see your progress! Owwww who could resist that cute little puppy face x

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