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Thursdays a few of my favourite DINING ROOM TIPS.

I thought I would share with you some hints and tips with Dining Room decor.

Considering all the entertaining we will all be doing this festive season, there is sometimes back to back events and that means some groups of friends arrive more regularly than normal.
 We personally have 1 set of friends that will be attending 3 different dinner parties we are hosting all within a week, as we share the same groups of friends.
Thoughts…………..well you may know me by now but if not, I should simply say, me=ocd.
So I need to create 3 different ways to  show off my dining room without spending a fortune, using the same decor and still reflecting Me.
To start with I pulled out all my dining decor.
Glasses, plates, napkins, bowls and table runners or heat protectors and any dining type decor I had around the house.
I decided to try all these looks a few days before so I knew what I was going to be doing when the time came. Obviously using photos as my memory for each.
I chose 3 looks Classic, Relaxed and Decorative


I have used simple white table runners crystal glasses(even if they are just for effect).
I have added white flowers and a small vignette of some of my classic decor(clock, candles and books) I was still deciding on the Double Bass or Armchair. I chose the Double bass for height.


I used a selection of decor, not so structured not all matching and I also used mismatched bowls and plates within the theme.
The candles stayed as I needed height in the background and then I started layering with those still in place.
The leaves in the glasses still didn’t add the greenery I needed. So I purchased the same flowers as the white ones but in purple for an element of fun.

I also decided I only needed the picture at the back as a little highlight and not a full picture as it was a bit to overpowering.

You can see here how I used the mix of dinnerware and still using the same table runner as the 1st classic look but folded in half and facing a different way.

The flowers go to the back for the final vignette, tighter rather than spread out like in the 1st shot as it didn’t look quite right.
The last pic is the one I rolled with. Sorry to add in my posse talk at the end there.


Our 3rd Dinner was actually a BBQ so we went out to the Alfresco but I still needed something decorative for our Dining table in case we came in later for coffee…
Which we didn’t because instead we all drank tea  drinks.

For the relaxed look I added all of it together and created a table scape on the dining table instead.
I took out the glassware and added the cups instead and made a bigger vase of flowers.
To fill it out I added my fake hydrangeas.
So 3 different looks for one weeks worth of dinner parties.
All of this decorating cost me $25 for the flowers.

5 comments on “Thursdays a few of my favourite DINING ROOM TIPS.

  1. Clever. I think you need to come and live with me for a week and give me some tips. I loved all looks but the Classic was my favourite :D