Do You know ROY G BIV?
You will either know it off the top of your head, know it but don’t remember why or you have no idea what I am on about and think I have gone a little crazy………so here’s my number Sorry I couldn’t help myself……..Oh and no its not my old High School Teacher Mr Roy G Biv.
As per usual I start to digress and what I wanted to say was this little acronym stands for Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Why do we remember it, because as Wiki tells us….
These are the colours in a rainbow or rainbow pattern created when a prism breaks up white light by refracting different wavelengths of light by different amounts.
Did I lose you in my Sheldon Cooper moment.
Seeing as we are all visual people here I thought I would help out with this.
You remember it now from Science class don’t you.
I am on a thought train that maybe you will never go wrong if you base your accents on the ROYGBIV Idea. You will see what i mean as we head trough the colours.
These colours will always go with any of the trending colours that come out each year. Orange is always striking but one of the most carefully considered colours in the accent trends.
Yellow has been a stayer for quite sometime, again with the Global Recession, yellow has remained the colour that gives us a sense of promise and hope.
Green is always on trend each year it just varies in tone and hue. Being the most Nature based colour it will remain a favourite amongst colour companies and they will always give us a green in decor to use.
Blue is also a stayer and every form of it will remain a favourite amongst design for……ever.
Indigo for me is just a deeper sea blue that is a perfect balance against all other colours but it is the one colour that I feel supports itself the best. If it were in a movie it would win best actress and best supporting actress for the same role.
Violet is not a common design colour, not in its discussion, not in its choice and not as a accent piece through retailers. But importantly it does blend back well with most of the above colours so if you find you love this colour keep it around and blend it back you will still have a win, win.
Happy Wednesday my ROYGBIVERS