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Corner Design, “Nobody puts Baby In the corner”

In The Corner, a space in Interior Design that doesn’t really exist.
I dont think you will ever hear, this is my favourite space “in the corner”
Let me get this out of the way early on because I can’t help myself but “Nobody puts Baby in the corner”
I think with smaller homes, apartments and smarter living and design we can start putting our baby favourite pieces in the corner.
I love coming up with space utilisation ideas even if its a plant or floor lamp, its a piece that will add to the atmosphere of the home or add personality without being too intrusive on the overall floor plan.
I found a few ideas that may be able to be incorporated into your home or next build or renovation.
Take for example the fantastic tree bookcase and music corner we discovered above. This speaks volumes about the owner with a small amount of design. Genius.
In a small corner of your open plan you can create a space that can become an office that is both stylish, functional and you can still be part of the family while working from home.
Ok this space is slightly bigger than most of our corners but its another example of small space style instead of using a whole room for your office.

A lot of pictures and not much wall space. An unconventional view of the picture gallery will lead your eye down two paths with in the space. If done well it create a feel of one large wall or it can just highlight the corner more than the artwork. Clever but risky, but then all fantastic Interior Design requires a little risk taking.
Another corner creating a larger visual space. Two small scale furniuture peiecs make you feel like this space is much larger than it is, be careful not to create a crowded feel though. I would have added a picture on the little table and taken away 1 of the flower vases and one of the boxes. 
I am getting to technical aren’t I.
Not just a chair in the corner, an amazing chair in the conrer in an amzing fabric. Highlight for me.
Small scale bookshelf, Table and Chair
Perfect use of a very small space. This is now a highly functional corner that may have previously housed a plant. Love it!
Reading corner in a children’s or baby room. Great for little ones needing some down time, saves on large scale bookcase furniture. Ok This time you can put the baby in the corner. Are you smiling I think you are. I love a good Dad Joke too. OK back to some serious design.
Love this, its perfect. Simple not overdone and stylish. Easy to adapt to differnt styles on a whim.
Large scale mirror in a great colour, there could be a whole other room through there if you wanted to trick your eyes.
I am not crazy about cats but I sometimes have days where I can imagine being a crazy cat lady. 
It could be a much simpler life. You know when you are hitting about 4.30, and there is dinner, baths, books, dinner, tidying, husbands, sport, questions, phone calls, emails……..You know what I mean crazy hour(s). Well sometimes I call it half passed cat lady. When I long for a moment of getting home to my cats (6 of them I think), I feed them, open a bottle of wine and sit down and read and reply to all my fave Blogs. Sorry I wandered off. See even crazy cat ladies can have corners of their own.

One of my favourite corners. The library, when you can’t fit in a whole library, this one is complete with a slim corner library ladder.

Have I helped you rethink your corner, or are you pondering buying a few cats. See you tomorrow lovelies.

3 comments on “Corner Design, “Nobody puts Baby In the corner”

  1. I have a corner in our lounge that I am still deciding what to do with. My husband has it earmarked for a TV, but since I’ve put an armchair there, I’ve decided that won’t be happening :) I’m thinking of a statement piece of furniture, like an old piece that’s been painted in a brighter colour or a bookcase up the wall or something… thanks for your inspiration x