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Organising Kids Toys, some new ideas.

Most of us who have children usually at one stage or another feel like they are taking over the house.
We all allow it in different ways and to different degrees but I have to say the size of your house and layout can contribute to how you cope with this mass of coloured plastic.
I have issues with it some days and my need to pack them all away is stronger on some days more than others but I am always searching for that perfect storage solution.
So off I go again looking for more ideas and haven’t our solutions come a long way.
Check out what I have found.

Wine rack for craft holder

So this I love.
Grab some kids animal toys and spray them in your favourite 
colours with matching lids, glue them on OMG Gorgeous.

Not sure if any of you used to watch that  show called OPRAH ;-)
Well this fantastic Aussie guy used to come up with the best solutions for organising. 
He has his own website and I think he has some great tips.

2 comments on “Organising Kids Toys, some new ideas.

  1. Ooh I love it, after having 4 kids I think I have tried every possible toy storage solution on the planet, a built in seat with the baskets underneath would have been heaven!!

  2. I had quite a bit of difficulty getting access to the photos here but hope that it’s just a small glitch. I’m sure you have some lovely ideas and would’ve loved to see some of them. Especially when it comes to organizing kids’ rooms, it’s really so difficult to find storage ideas that work for long enough! Whatever we’ve tried the kids only stick with it for a short period before it’s back to the drawing board, so I guess I’ll be anxiously scouring the internet for more tips in the meantime!