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Shut the Front Door.

Could you add a coloured front door to your home.
I am thinking if it were something like this I could probably be persuaded.
Maybe its the meaning behind having a font door within this blue green colour spectrum.
Can I just say does this door remind you of something?
 I am not sure if its only just been installed or they couldn’t get in but 
the significance of the drill is lost. It is a drill isn’t it? Interesting. I really want to know the story about the door now.
What it means to have an Aqua or Turquoise front door.
Well Aqua is refreshing and uplifting it is creative and light hearted but can be strong and individual.
Turquoise is the colour of balance between emotions and speech. 
It has an open line of communication between the spoken word and the heart………. 
  Oh so Tiffany did their colour research well.
These colours can be calming but sometimes aloof.
I am happy with aloof, its a colour a door should be. 
Maybe if your having a meeting with your mortgage broker this colour may not suit but as far as a door goes that’s why I have a door because I like my privacy and being somewhat aloof.
This one is appealing to all my colour senses, I love it 
and I also must point out it is only 10 more Wednesdays until Christmas. 
So lets start thinking how we are going to decorate our gorgeous front doors.
For me this colour door is just relaxing and gives a home personality.
I love the way you can see through to the amazing view behind this home.
its tropical and calming and tells you there is a dreamy Holiday view beyond.
I want my door to be Turquoise and tell of a dreamy holiday feel beyond the entry.

13 comments on “Shut the Front Door.

  1. These are all very beautiful images! The colour will always remind me of holidays and of course Tiffany packaging! I reckon the drill is an ooops in a pre-sale photo shoot. Happens all the time. But a drill is far nicer than a raised toilet seat in a bathroom pic! x KL

  2. My front door is white and have often thought a little boring. Love the aqua but not sure if would suit our house, I am thinking more of a deep blue. Hopefully I get the courage to try it sometime. Also looking forward to decorating the door for Christmas. Gx